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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.

Chastity Belt vids


   (17.11.2006 5:18)
Somebody please post parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the chastity belt video.

Best I have ever seen.


not so good


   (16.11.2006 22:52)
I didn't like the update videos. Hogtie is dark and grimy stuff, always in cellars ordungeons. I prefer good rope bondage with good gags, in a home situation.

Bondage hook


   (12.11.2006 13:13)
Hi again. I found the hook, if somebody else wants it trywww.rainbowrope.com/>G

Bondage equipment


   (5.11.2006 11:25)
Hi everybody. Sometimes they use big hook in the ass ie gallery 311 pic 4. Does anybodyknow were to get hold of that?

Regards G

Last attempt


   (27.10.2006 19:53)
Does anyone have any idea if tehre is a rubberdolly .001 file to connect the .002 file toor if there is anyway to make this file work? Please please help before I delete this!!!Whoever posted this, do you have it working?!?! Cheers in advance

Lenka, come back!

Master K

   (27.10.2006 14:39)
Hi Lenka, we're missing you... I look forward greatly to the next update!

To BondQuest


   (24.10.2006 10:09)
Yeah I know, but I don't know where to find the .001 file- nno-ones put it up on themessage board!! Only the .002 file!!! Oh well!!!

Thanks anyway

to Telboy


   (23.10.2006 8:39)
You need a program like hjsplit to recombine the movies that are split with nimbers like001, 002, etc.
You can get it here: http://www.freebyte.com/hjsplit/

to Grandmaster


   (20.10.2006 10:24)
Hi again,

This still doesnt seem to work- the file extension is .002 I know that some files likethis are joined together by programs such as HJsplit, but there needs to be a .001 fileextension as well. Oh well. This doesn't seem to work-. If anyone's downloadedRubberdolly and has got more tips let me know!! Cheers again Grandmaster and everyoneelse!!!

To Tellboy


   (19.10.2006 12:42)
It looks like you've downloaded an avi file which is giving you problems. That won'tplay on Media player. You have to convert it to wmv or mpeg with "Super" orsimilar software.



   (19.10.2006 10:12)
Someone please tell me how this works!!! I downloaded teh 002 file from rapidshare- isthere a 001 file to join this with, if so where? If not, how do I get the 002 one towork?!?!? Please help someone!!!




   (17.10.2006 20:22)
Hi there,

How does this file work? Do i need to download another piece of it?



To Gransmaster1


   (15.10.2006 9:54)
Sorry Grandmaster1. You have already answered to this question few days ago.
Thank you.

To Grandmaster1


   (15.10.2006 9:42)
Thank you Grandmaster1. It helps a lot. Just another question : I have never been verysmart with computer so I can't find this "other videos" section. Where is itlocated ? Thank you for your assistance.

To Darcypar


   (14.10.2006 22:03)
I downloaded Return to the House of Gord from page 6 of the "other videos"section, and the password was right there with the files. It's Kristanna. Hope thathelps.

"Return to the house of gord"


   (14.10.2006 15:44)
The "return to the house of gord" RAR file needs a password to unpack. I wouldreally appreciatappreciae if somebody could post it or will email it to me. Thank you.

archives links


   (14.10.2006 15:38)
Sorry Lenka, it's all my fault : I'm new to your site and I didn't realize that theguestbook in english was different from the one in Czech !!
Thank you for your fantastic site;

Re: other videos page


   (13.10.2006 13:33)
On this page is really just videos from March 2006

To: darcypar


   (13.10.2006 13:32)
Hi darcypar, you found a bug in my guest book :) There was problem with counting number ofpages, but the guest book really started in 2004, so there is no older things.

House of Gord


   (10.10.2006 18:46)
To Warplight. I really enjoyed parts 2 and 3 of House of Gord, S.B.I. Trilogy that youposted here. Did Part 1 get deleted? If you have it, please post it again, because I'dlove to have all three. Thank you again.


To Rupert

   (9.10.2006 12:33)
Find the "other videos" link by clicking above on "videos", thenon that page you'll see highlighted just under the photos: "dalsividea/other". That's the link you want.



   (9.10.2006 4:03)
Wats the link to the so called " other videos" page



   (8.10.2006 0:30)
Yes, a lot of videos seem to have just vanished. This is very disappointing to me asI've just found out how to decode them for playing. Please, Lenka, put the missingvideos back if you can. Thank you.



   (7.10.2006 16:45)
In my previous post I was saying that the archives from page 12 were not working sçinceyesterday. In fact it is just that all the archives prior to Nov 11, 2004 have simply been deleted. Is it on purpose ? Is it a question of space? In any case I believe thatmost of us will regret it a lot because now almost all the links to good movies havedisapeared. Is there any possibility to get them back in one way or another ? I'm surethat a lot of people would be more than happy if you could do it.
In any case, Thank you for your great job

Lenka, Guestbook, rar files, video description


   (6.10.2006 23:10)
1 / Lenka, first of all, thank you for your site. Be sure that we are all aware of theenourmous amount of work it costs you. But as a result your site is the most usefullsite on the whole net for the BDSM fans!!!! Thank you and congratulations.

2/ For some reason, all guestbook pages are blank after page 11. Yesterday it was ok, buttoday, nothing ! Thank you in advance if you can fix it.

3/ an answer to yesterday Steve post : you can watch a rar file even if you dawnload onlyone of a serie : when you get the error message, do not answer, do not close the window.Go to the directory where is your rar file and you will see a new non compressed file .You can read it without problem. But as soon as you close the window or click on"cancel" this file disapears. This is very usefull to know if you want tospend time dowloading the rest of the movie.
4/ a suggestion to all those who are posting movie links : ^please discribe shortly themovie or at least give the codes (Fm, Ff, Mf, etc..). Thank you

Videos missing?


   (6.10.2006 21:51)
Hi, Lenka,

I still love this site, but on the "other videos" page I can only get as faras page 7 listings. I thought there were many more videos. Are there no more, or isthere a problem with the page?

Video is bonus!


   (6.10.2006 16:24)
Hi Lenka,

Each visit is a surprise for me: is there an update or not? And sometimes I like thecontent, sometimes not. That doesn't matter! So many people, so many wishes...
I enjoy that you have some work of late Cory (Shortfuse) that you like to share with usfrom time to time. I appreciated his work a lot.

I must admit that I like the video section. It really is a bonus section, but pleasedon't forget the quality pictures...

It's fine as it is!


   (6.10.2006 5:28)
You have one of the nicest websites on the internet. It it takes time, take time to do itright.
Thanks Lenka.

Please Vids


   (5.10.2006 23:49)
Hello ,

please update sometimes with videos

No vids!!!


   (5.10.2006 20:55)
Hey Lenka, great to hear you are happier!!! I prefered it when the videos were updated, asmost are under rapidshare which won't work on my system for some reason!!! Always saysexceeded limit!!!
Anyway great to have you back. Anyone know whats wrong with rapidshare please let meknow!!!

Take care



   (5.10.2006 20:32)
Very nice site. I've enjoyed the content immensly.
I just wanted to say thanks and we all appreciate your hard work.


Your Awesome


   (5.10.2006 18:31)
I love the site, but I hope that if you decide to start updating without videos, that youstill sometimes update the videos. I hate rapidshare because it makes you wait so long, soi need to use the other ones to see them. Keep up the girl work!

Lenka is the Best


   (5.10.2006 17:12)
Thank you for your great site, I love cumming here :)
Please keep up the great work here

Lots of love from a Bondage fan!

lenka is the one


   (5.10.2006 15:10)
great to see new update and that things are good on Planet Lenka!

I would like to see you upload vids! the trouble with the ones on the archive is that youneed to download all the .rar files before you can view them. With free rapidshare thattakes a long time at one file each day



   (5.10.2006 1:51)
Thanks for this great site, you're doing a great job that is very much appreciated by meand many others (though not all of them write down their appreciation). Hope you get outof your bad mood.

Yours, Oak



   (4.10.2006 21:49)
I love this page, too.
And I hope the next update is coming now.

Please please webmaster, upload the next update......I need it....

Best Bondage site in the web


   (3.10.2006 9:53)
Hi there,

i love this page. I can´t wait for the next Update.
Keep on rockin...;-)

Yours sincerely


Keep it up


   (2.10.2006 5:45)
Love your site - just wanted to add a word of encouragement.
You have great taste and I appreciate the effort you put into it. Don't get discouraged-you are appreciated!



   (1.10.2006 15:06)
i heard you have had the rubberella latex bound movie
is it possible to make it accesable again? thanx

Brilliant site


   (30.9.2006 22:07)
i love your site love the videos ex the gor ones who had a littlewhile ago,keep upthe great work cant wait for the next up date

Brilliant site


   (30.9.2006 22:06)
i love your site love the videod ex the gor ones who had a littlewhile ago,keep upthe great work cant wait for the next up date

Brilliant site


   (30.9.2006 20:08)
Like to say thank you for an excellant site. I appreciate all the work you do. long may itcontinue, and long may you find as much enjoyment in running this site as i and othershave visiting it.

Any others as good as lenka?


   (29.9.2006 23:54)
Just wanted to see if anyone knew of any other sites that offered full latex/ bondagemovies for free download?!?! Is this unique or are there others out there? Lenka's is byfar the best site I ever saw!!!
Cheers everone

Thanks :) ----:


   (28.9.2006 14:19)
Lenka, I have visited your site many times, but this is my first time to sign the guestbook. This is a great site! Keep up the great work! May you live long, and may youprosper. I enjoyed the links to Sasha Sparks at Hogtied. Please post Ava Devine at SexN Submission. Thanks.

Great Site!


   (28.9.2006 3:48)
Congratulations on one the most interesting collection of bondage photos and art I haveseen in one place. You certainly have a marvelous eye for the bound and gagged figure.Keep up the wonderful work.

Only Teen and Fetish Models


   (28.9.2006 1:43)



   (27.9.2006 23:55)
Hy is greats tops site, sorry not leave
messages before.

Luv Oldman & Beddy



   (26.9.2006 13:39)

thank you so much for the site. It is one of only two sites I check every two weeks (theother is Sir Jeff) - I really look forward to Thursdays and am disappointed when there'sno update :) (But I understand you have other things to do!)

Keep up the great work!




   (25.9.2006 0:04)
First of all: this is the greatest site on the net. Keep up the good work. And now myproblem: forgot the passwords to the w063006rm and w063006wmv archives and they are gonein the video section. If someone could post them in this guestbook or snd them to by maili woult be very greatfull.
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