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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.



   (11.7.2007 15:50)
I am having same problem, as well as typing. I am also copy & pasting,,regards lexxee



   (11.7.2007 15:45)
Pw is correct.

Copy and paste it.


incl. the ?

Haven - Selfbondage


   (11.7.2007 13:32)
Anyone else having problems with extracting the files?
Am i typing the wrong password? Any ideas?

bc 193


   (11.7.2007 6:18)
could someone please
reupp bc 193?
Megahell has deletet
the file.

Thank you,

@ Maya & Rosalynn


   (10.7.2007 11:58)
Thanks for your kindness. Your suggestion is
reasonable IMHO. Let's
not give up, but also let's not be dumb.


A Suggestion

Maya & Rosalynn AKA The BDSMSisters

   (10.7.2007 1:30)
Hello Again

Let us all not post House of Gord and JEVs on the board for some time and see how it goes. We have also now stopped posting these for last month or two in here.

Because when too many complains are going for a URL (board/forum/group) then it get's blacklisted and the links for every other thing also start going down. We have seen it happen in so many places. So there is no point in fighting it.

Maybe not posting the "troublemaker" videos will at least protect the other stuff.

There are so many other producers making similiar content and so much stuff to share, so lets keep the HOGs and JEVs within emails and not on board.

Just a suggestion. It has worked in other places. Maybe we could try in here?

With Love

Maya & Rosalynn
The BDSMSisters

Make love not war.

About Files Going Down

Maya & Rosalynn AKA The BDSMSisters

   (10.7.2007 1:19)
Dear Erik

Dont get frustrated, also dont give up posting. Everybody's files are going down more and more on every board.

We could not post updates yesterday because, 1.8 GB of uploads went down even before we could post it. Now uploading all of it again.

The softwares and web crawlers and search engines are getting more and more advanced each day.

And then there are those who like to spoil the fun also.

So there are many many reasons.

The best thing to do is, hide info to the maximum. For example do not write a description of file with the file on the server you used to upload it. Zip or Rar to hide the file extentions like .wmv, .avi, .rm etc. that say that the file is a movie. Things like that.

And then hope for the best, and when some go down, dont let it get to you.

Can try to hide from softwares but no way to stop humans.

They are also correct in their own way. We do share copyrighted material.

We know it feels bad as hell when uploads go down and friends dont get it because it keeps happening.

Good Luck to you for next time dear friend, dont let it get to you and keep smiling!

With Love

Maya & Rosalynn
The BDSMSisters

Make love not war.


Maya & Rosalynn AKA The BDSMSisters

   (10.7.2007 1:06)

Posted another fun movie, for lovers of Glamour BDSM & Super Heroines.

Now preparing second batch of updates for posting. This one is for till then. :-)

Have Fun!

With Love

Maya & Rosalynn
The BDSMSisters

Make love not war.



   (9.7.2007 9:25)
Yeah, that MegaFcukers deleted my files within
few hours.

Duh ...

Jay Edwards/Dominic Wolfe vids


   (9.7.2007 8:33)
I just discovered this site and it is excellent. Thanks to all who have posted vids. I am looking for more Jay Edwards and Dominic Wolfe vids. In addition, I would appreciate any Devonshire vids where Simone is bound and gagged in black lingerie.

Devonshire gone


   (9.7.2007 2:30)
Hi, Erik,

MegaUpload seem to have deleted your recent Devonshire uploads also, and I managed to download only two files. Boy, that was quick of them!

But thanks anyway for your efforts on our behalf.

JEV 113


   (8.7.2007 10:50)
I have all parts of jev 113 but one. I missed the last part (25th) from megaupload and it is now deleted. Could you please repost this part?

AES production Vids


   (7.7.2007 17:10)
Anybody got anymore of these, some of the newer ones perhaps?!

Hope so, there great...

Devonshire Vids


   (7.7.2007 16:18)
Anyone got any more of those vids, would love to see some more. Seen the ones that were posted a while ago by masterbates.
Anybody got any others?!




   (7.7.2007 10:11)
I would like to receive the vids also.
Hope you are now in good health,,,regards lexxee

To Gordenstein & Others wanting HOG Videos

Rosalynn & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

   (7.7.2007 5:37)
Dear Gordenstein,

Sent you in email, links to all five movies from the House Of Gord, (new prints of the videos, not the old ones) so please check your bulk mail folder also, because our emails have a habit of ending up in there because of the word BDSM in our email ID. :-(

Anyone other friend wanting these videos :
1. Trouble At The HOG
2. Escape from the HOG
3. Return to the HOG
4. Room 237
5. Weekend Slave

Please leave your email address here and we will send to you too, after Gordenstein & his friends are done.

With Love

Maya & Rosalynn
The BDSMSisters

Make love not war.
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