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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.

for Maya


   (9.4.2007 9:52)
I am sorry, everything is allright, it was my mistake. Thank You!



   (9.4.2007 9:51)
any way to get videos from sexslavevideo.com

i love that slave, toy. those videos are a lot of fun.

For Maya and Rosalynn


   (9.4.2007 7:35)
Hi, your las link (jay edwards: various predicaments) is incorect-it is link for hogtiedvideo, not for edwards video...
But good work, ladies. You have my admiration.

Maya and Rosalynn


   (9.4.2007 4:00)
Hi, girls,

No offence taken here. After you let me know the problem with live links, I asked Martinto remove the one I posted accidentally in case it spoiled anybody else's downloading. Atrillion thanks again to you both and to all the others who post great movies for us atthis site. xxx



   (9.4.2007 3:34)

Jada Fire


   (9.4.2007 2:41)
Dear Maya, dear Rosalynn,

the name of the Model is Jada (with "a", not "e"), she had twoclips with hogtied, one wit waterbondage and one with wiredpussy.

http://www.kink.c om/php/modelt/index.php?action=show&i...

Thank you very much


   (9.4.2007 1:00)
Dear Maya & Rosalynn

you are great! Thank you 10000 times!!!



   (8.4.2007 8:39)
I have one little question.Is there any possibility to play only one part of video?I havedownloaded
many first parts of videos,but I can launch
only a few.

To Grandmaster1


   (8.4.2007 4:11)
I have deleted the link as you requested.

To Martin


   (8.4.2007 4:03)

Please can you delete the link I posted in my message titled "Big Thank You" afew pages back. Rosalynn and Maya inform me that it's a mistake to post such open linksas they can be detected and removed. Sorry to trouble you. Thanks for your time.

Master Of Puppets


   (8.4.2007 3:26)
sorry, i forgot to check the last pages... i should have known... ;)
i feel very sorry for annoying you ^^

Master Of Puppets


   (8.4.2007 3:24)
i am still looking for videos of kat at hogtied or waterbondage

can anyone help me please

re:orders taken today


   (8.4.2007 0:18)
and please, don´t forget Jada Fire. thanks in pre!


Some More Info for Grand Master


   (7.4.2007 21:56)
Dear Sir

The reason why we have changed our format of posting is, that, there are software enginesworking round the clock, picking up website names and links, so when direct links to themovie are posted in the open, they don't last long.

Now when the links are inside a folder with the screen captures/previews, only this getspicked up and not the movies.

A few days ago, in a similiar manner, someone had posted one link from a movie "mylife as a pet" in the open, and this file went forbidden within a few days. Nowthese movies are shared with lots of friends in a lot of places, and when one part goesmissing, we have a lot of unhappy people who downloaded some parts of it and the rest isgone.

Our one request would be, please dont post the links from inside, onto the open boardplease. Those are for your eyes only.

Please dont feel offended in any way, by our message. We are only sharing info with you,so all of us can share smoothly.


Rosalynn & her little sister Maya

Make love, not war.

A Small Note

Rosalynn & Maya

   (7.4.2007 21:40)
Forgot to add this foot note to the message below.

Here it is:
We do have a lot, but sometimes tracking down a file becomes more difficult when we haveincomplete info in the orders/requests.

May we please request clear info with the correct spellings as well, with theorders/requests.

"Make love, not war"

Requests/Orders taken today

Rosalynn & Maya

   (7.4.2007 21:35)
Our humble greetings

to the most loving people,
and the friends of friends!

And to the King of the board,
Dear Martin

Orders/Requests Taken by us today:

For Larox (Our new friend):
Dana DeArmond

For Curt (our new friend):
Candy Manson
at Hogtied

For Grand Master(A wonderful person & a good friend):
More excellent ropes

Thanks for the orders/requests.
They are now in processing,
and will be delivered ASAP.

We will now search our Rapidshare backups,
and our Hard Disks, and will post soon.

THIS is our big fun! :-)
Thankyou dear ones!

With all our love & Repect

Rosalynn & Maya



   (7.4.2007 8:44)
Hello alltogether!!

This is the best place in web I have ever been. I would like to say thank you to Maya,Rosalynn and all the others who post day for day real good movies. Futhermore I`m lookingfor the Candy Manson @ hogtied movie. It would be great, if somebody could post it.

no problem


   (7.4.2007 2:40)
Thank you, Rosalynn, for your help. I have solved the link problem by putting them all inan e-mail to myself and clicking from there. I have no idea why they wouldn't work in mybrowser, but no worries. And thank you again to you and Maya for all that you do to getus great bondage movies. XXX



   (6.4.2007 17:43)
As I see you seem quite successfull in searching such clips, would it be possible to findsomething with "Dana DeArmond"?

To Grand Master

Rosalynn AKA Cocomink

   (6.4.2007 16:54)
Greetings to you Sir. You seem to be a good friend of my little sister. She speaks highlyof you.

Something must be wrong at your end. I just tried this same link and it is working.

Also it shows me in my account, 10 people have already downloaded whole movie.

Rapidshare has remover wait time for easter holidays, so downloading will be faster fo afew days also.

It has to be some error at your end, please try again. All is OK here.


Rosalynn AKA Cocomink

Make love, not war
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