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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.



   (18.4.2007 22:53)
Does anyone have any of the other petgirls.com videos besides "my life as apet" thanks in advance

new person

new person

   (18.4.2007 18:22)
thanks alot!

new person

can I help

   (18.4.2007 16:21)
the way you have just posted your msg, post a link to your movie on rapidshare or whateverfilesharer. Preferably with a preview and short discription.
When you want to download someone elses's movie just click on the underlined link and anew page will open.

new person

new person

   (18.4.2007 15:51)
could anybody explain to me how to post movies, download movies, and anything else i needto know? and if you could post movies?



   (18.4.2007 14:52)
Can anybody out there help?!



   (18.4.2007 12:45)
Could anyone please have any links for My Life As A Pet. I missed the links the last time

Hoping for good days


   (18.4.2007 11:54)
Dear BDSMsisters,
Sorry to hear of the bad news. And thanks for the upcoming help.
Big encouraging-hugg,

Request :Dont wait to download

Cocomink & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

   (18.4.2007 8:42)
Dear Friends,

As you can see, the speed with which someone is reporting our files, and the files aregoing forbidden to be shared.

So please we request you, that if any movie interests you, then dont wait, downloadimmidiately, while the files are still there.

With love

Cocomink & Maya
The BDSMSisters

To Grand Master

Cocomink & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

   (18.4.2007 8:16)
Dear Grand Master

Thankyou Sir. You are a very kind man, always so understanding and supportive.

We do wish, this would stop now. This is just not fair. All the nights of work, going downthe drain just because of we don't know what.

Today, soon we are going to post something a little different again.

With love

Cocomink & Maya
The BDSMSisters

what an idiot


   (17.4.2007 14:43)
Dear Maya and Rosylynn,

Sorry to hear of all your hard work posting for us being spoiled. It's hard to believethat somebody so stupid and nasty can be out there. But such people are always with us,alas. We can only hope that he one day grows up.
Thanks again for all you do, you wonderful ladies. xxx

Bad Day Today : 48 Files Deleted

Cocomink & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

   (17.4.2007 14:16)
Hello everyone.

Bad day today. :-(

Bad News: 48 files deleted.

More Bad News: Only those files deleted that we posted here.

Much more bad news: It was not automatic (software). It was someone reporting files onpurpose to cause damage, because if only the Gord videos were deleted or just 2 - 3website videos were deleted then it was possible, that the links got caught in a webcrawler, but some movies were from sites that are no longer there and some very old moviesfrom VHS tapes. For these files noone is looking for copyright. So these ALL can only bedeleted togather if someone will on purpose, pickup each link and report it.

Whosoever it is, dear friend, for us you are causing little damage, but for the board,dead links are no good, for all the friends here no movies is no good. Please stop being achild.

Cocomink & Maya
The BDSMSisters

Peter, either one of us will write to you tommorow, now both of us are not in a very goodmood. Sorry for the delay.

Ivy Manor


   (17.4.2007 12:55)
Hi. I just wanted to say that this is a really great site, keep up the good work.

I asked myself if someboy has any movies from the Ivy Manor series? If so please send me aMail or leave a link. Thx for any help at all.

And I also noted that some of the bigger Insex-files can't be joined, I always get anerror message that indicates that there is something wrong. Please also help me in thiscase.

Thanks for all the attantion, have a nice day

Rapidshare Upload


   (17.4.2007 4:17)
Can someone (perhaps the famous sisters?) give me some directions for multi-uploads andthis in a fast way? My multi-upload at Rapidshare won't work and that fast uploadertoolneither!
I upload now file by file but it takes so much time (100mb=65 min)



   (17.4.2007 1:28)
GORDS are deleted :(

The Weekend Slave deleted


   (17.4.2007 1:20)
Hi The BDSMSisters, your recent upload The Weekend Slave from GORD was deleted fromRapidShare. Could you reupload it again for us plesase?


James B0nd

   (16.4.2007 21:48)
Tak se nam to rozrusta. 5200 obrazku, 220 galerii, 22 clenu.
Dekuju vsem prispevatelum. Registrace naporad free.

Well, it's growing up. 5200 pics, 220 galleries, 22 members. I'd like to thank to allcontributors. Registration free forever.


Cocomink & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

   (16.4.2007 14:26)
Hello to everyone!

None of us has been able to do any uploading or posting for the last few days. Also noneof us has been reading any messages. Sorry!

Very soon, we will post the rest of the videos we promised.

Life is very very busy for few days.

Also we are very happy to see more and more people posting videos regularly. Philip,Master Blaster and other posters, Thankyou very much! It is great to have our littlecommunity here growing.

Also a warm welcome to all new friends here.

And a warm hello to Martin. Thankyou Martin for keeping it going.

With love

Cocomink & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

To BDHarvey

Cocomink & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

   (16.4.2007 14:14)
Dear BDHarvey

MUCH thanks to you for the flowers! :-)

We are very very happy, both of us. Finally someone did see the flowers also.

You are very sweet.

With love

Cocomink & Maya
The BDSMSisters

Please now give us also a chance to bring a smile on your face? Maybe some video you arelooking for, we can get for you?

BDSM Sisters


   (16.4.2007 11:19)
Dear Maya and Rosalyn (Cocomink) thank you very much for your flowers. I greatlyappreciate your posts. Please take these flowers from me:

http://img131.imageshack.us/i mg131/6499/foryoutu3.jpg




   (16.4.2007 11:18)
Passwords for wired pussy and device bondage? If not, thanks anyway.
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