Whipped Ass
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Whipped Ass
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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.

behind gags


   (10.8.2007 5:11)
Thanks Erik..


master bates

   (9.8.2007 15:26)
Thanks, any help you need. I will be more than happy to help when I am back. But I am sure you will get enough help from the other's we are a friendly group.

Master bates


   (9.8.2007 14:56)
Thanks well I just have to wait because i don't have a premium account I have to wait one hour before I can download a file again so it takes very long can you give me a tip



   (9.8.2007 9:34)
Anyone a fan of straitjackets? Been trying to collect an assortment of videos, but they are so rare and hard to find! If anyone has any links/clips/anything! I'm still on the lookout for the old archw videos, msp's bondage world in particularEmail me at [email protected] or post here!



   (9.8.2007 8:13)
To rip the DVD to your HD try AnyDVD (slysoft.com). You can test it 3 weeks.

To create a xvid(avi) file, you can use Autogordianknot (autogk.me.uk - freeware). Think it´s the easiest way to do this.

Fanni Hall


   (9.8.2007 8:04)
I would like to see bigger files - but i think interests of people are different.

No chance to do it right for all of them.

Thanks in advance.

Fanni Hall

master bates

   (9.8.2007 7:27)
I would prefer larger files, as some disappear so quickly it gives you more of a chance of getting the whole film.


master bates

   (9.8.2007 7:24)
Otto, You have to join the clips together to make one film.
I use hjsplit which is freeware http://www.freebyte.com/hjsplit/
join the clips together and then use windows media player or media player classic (freeware) or zoom player (freeware)

Perfect Trap 2


   (9.8.2007 7:23)
Master bates,

Thanks for coffee club. I will post Perfect Trap 2 on the 16th of August, if that works. I've got to figure out how to rip it from DVD. And I guess I just post it to rapidshare? (new to this)
Thanks again.

advice please

Fanni Hall

   (9.8.2007 2:40)
Hello everybody
I noticed that some visitors have difficulties downloading large files and requesting files no larger than 50MB. I have ready for posting another Tristar production which is approx 425MB. This woud require approx. 9 links at 50MB each, which is kind of a bore or 5 links at 100MB. I would really like to please the lads and lasses who have a slow connection.
Please, could you folks post your recommendations. I am not sure which way to go.

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