Wired Pussy
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TS Pussy Hunters
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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.

Loving the site


   (24.9.2006 14:25)
Lenka, I absolutely love your site- videos of tight latex and bondage amazing- pleaselisten to your fans- we really do appreciate everything!!! I don't have apicture ofmyself to send, but please beleve me, I love your this site!!! Keep it up, all the best

Excellent website


   (20.9.2006 20:50)
You have an excellent website here, and I'm sorry to hear that you're starting to viewit as a chore. Please continue to post such outstanding pictures and videos, and keep upthe good work.

sad lenka


   (18.9.2006 15:22)
Oh lenka, lenka, lenka - dont be disheartened running this site! We love you, and loveyour videos. I for one have a picture in my mind of a lovely young czech girl, in tightleather mini-skirt and no panties, stroking her pussy while choosing the best videos forus. Do please continue. Send me an e-mail if you want to come to college in england!

Your site


   (17.9.2006 22:38)
I enjoy your site quite often now. Just found it recently and wanted to say thank-you foryour efforts. Besides this note I'll be sending along an email from Me personally to you,so don't delete it. You may like the attached jpeg of Moi in latex and other goodies!*wink*



   (17.9.2006 21:54)
hi, i ask again, could anybody post "Erotic tales of Isabella" fromInquisitionLive, please?
Thank you!

great content

jeff forbes

   (17.9.2006 5:51)
yours is the only site that i know that provides this much variety for pics andvideo,keepit up.Also anything more on ashley renee or jasmine sinclair would be great..

Great Site


   (17.9.2006 1:33)
I found you today! What a great site and you are thanked very much!!

Please don't go!


   (16.9.2006 17:02)
You are one of only a few such site I come to regularly - your quality and enthusiasmshines through. Son't stop

Great Site


   (15.9.2006 17:58)
Great work! Your videos on the main video page work excellent! Maybe an update is plannedsoon I hope!

The pasword files don't work but your video page is outstanding!




   (15.9.2006 0:23)
Hi Lenka!
Keep going, don't be sad. As soon I find my second half (and manage her to join somefun-wax) I will send you the results.
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