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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.

House of Gord


   (10.10.2006 18:46)
To Warplight. I really enjoyed parts 2 and 3 of House of Gord, S.B.I. Trilogy that youposted here. Did Part 1 get deleted? If you have it, please post it again, because I'dlove to have all three. Thank you again.


To Rupert

   (9.10.2006 12:33)
Find the "other videos" link by clicking above on "videos", thenon that page you'll see highlighted just under the photos: "dalsividea/other". That's the link you want.



   (9.10.2006 4:03)
Wats the link to the so called " other videos" page



   (8.10.2006 0:30)
Yes, a lot of videos seem to have just vanished. This is very disappointing to me asI've just found out how to decode them for playing. Please, Lenka, put the missingvideos back if you can. Thank you.



   (7.10.2006 16:45)
In my previous post I was saying that the archives from page 12 were not working sçinceyesterday. In fact it is just that all the archives prior to Nov 11, 2004 have simply been deleted. Is it on purpose ? Is it a question of space? In any case I believe thatmost of us will regret it a lot because now almost all the links to good movies havedisapeared. Is there any possibility to get them back in one way or another ? I'm surethat a lot of people would be more than happy if you could do it.
In any case, Thank you for your great job

Lenka, Guestbook, rar files, video description


   (6.10.2006 23:10)
1 / Lenka, first of all, thank you for your site. Be sure that we are all aware of theenourmous amount of work it costs you. But as a result your site is the most usefullsite on the whole net for the BDSM fans!!!! Thank you and congratulations.

2/ For some reason, all guestbook pages are blank after page 11. Yesterday it was ok, buttoday, nothing ! Thank you in advance if you can fix it.

3/ an answer to yesterday Steve post : you can watch a rar file even if you dawnload onlyone of a serie : when you get the error message, do not answer, do not close the window.Go to the directory where is your rar file and you will see a new non compressed file .You can read it without problem. But as soon as you close the window or click on"cancel" this file disapears. This is very usefull to know if you want tospend time dowloading the rest of the movie.
4/ a suggestion to all those who are posting movie links : ^please discribe shortly themovie or at least give the codes (Fm, Ff, Mf, etc..). Thank you

Videos missing?


   (6.10.2006 21:51)
Hi, Lenka,

I still love this site, but on the "other videos" page I can only get as faras page 7 listings. I thought there were many more videos. Are there no more, or isthere a problem with the page?

Video is bonus!


   (6.10.2006 16:24)
Hi Lenka,

Each visit is a surprise for me: is there an update or not? And sometimes I like thecontent, sometimes not. That doesn't matter! So many people, so many wishes...
I enjoy that you have some work of late Cory (Shortfuse) that you like to share with usfrom time to time. I appreciated his work a lot.

I must admit that I like the video section. It really is a bonus section, but pleasedon't forget the quality pictures...

It's fine as it is!


   (6.10.2006 5:28)
You have one of the nicest websites on the internet. It it takes time, take time to do itright.
Thanks Lenka.

Please Vids


   (5.10.2006 23:49)
Hello ,

please update sometimes with videos
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