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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.



   (18.4.2007 22:53)
Does anyone have any of the other petgirls.com videos besides "my life as apet" thanks in advance

new person

new person

   (18.4.2007 18:22)
thanks alot!

new person

can I help

   (18.4.2007 16:21)
the way you have just posted your msg, post a link to your movie on rapidshare or whateverfilesharer. Preferably with a preview and short discription.
When you want to download someone elses's movie just click on the underlined link and anew page will open.

new person

new person

   (18.4.2007 15:51)
could anybody explain to me how to post movies, download movies, and anything else i needto know? and if you could post movies?



   (18.4.2007 14:52)
Can anybody out there help?!



   (18.4.2007 12:45)
Could anyone please have any links for My Life As A Pet. I missed the links the last time

Hoping for good days


   (18.4.2007 11:54)
Dear BDSMsisters,
Sorry to hear of the bad news. And thanks for the upcoming help.
Big encouraging-hugg,

Request :Dont wait to download

Cocomink & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

   (18.4.2007 8:42)
Dear Friends,

As you can see, the speed with which someone is reporting our files, and the files aregoing forbidden to be shared.

So please we request you, that if any movie interests you, then dont wait, downloadimmidiately, while the files are still there.

With love

Cocomink & Maya
The BDSMSisters

To Grand Master

Cocomink & Maya AKA The BDSMSisters

   (18.4.2007 8:16)
Dear Grand Master

Thankyou Sir. You are a very kind man, always so understanding and supportive.

We do wish, this would stop now. This is just not fair. All the nights of work, going downthe drain just because of we don't know what.

Today, soon we are going to post something a little different again.

With love

Cocomink & Maya
The BDSMSisters

what an idiot


   (17.4.2007 14:43)
Dear Maya and Rosylynn,

Sorry to hear of all your hard work posting for us being spoiled. It's hard to believethat somebody so stupid and nasty can be out there. But such people are always with us,alas. We can only hope that he one day grows up.
Thanks again for all you do, you wonderful ladies. xxx
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