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České příspěvky naleznete v návštěvní knize.
Posts with video links are here / příspěvky s odkazy na videa jsou zde.



   (31.5.2007 14:21)
Thank you Erik for the Jay Edwards,Posts Brilliant,,, !!!Regards, lexxee.



   (31.5.2007 13:43)
Could somebody direct me to a site where I could find either a Petgirls siterip or one of the petgirls movies? I clicked this site from Google and couldn't find anything... Thank you.

Thanks for the Jay Edwards show


   (31.5.2007 13:19)
I really love the Jay Edwards vids, especially those I can take before they are gone :)

I had everything but 'Various predicaments', if someone would be kind enough to put it on mediafire (the great mediafire :) ) I would be soooo glad ^^

Thanks again !

Neosteel - Chastity Belt - Excempt from Restrictio


   (31.5.2007 12:10)
On 19.5.2007 13:18 Kuratko was has posted the links to these video. But I can't download the files. The links are working, but after 200 kB the connection is lost. Please, Kuratko or anyone, fix that problem. best regards ksulze

Thanx to the Contributors


   (30.5.2007 23:16)
Wow, this site is vivid! A lot of nice movies to be found over here. A special thanks to the Bondage Sisters: PC-5 is MUCH appreciated.

@ Erik: I simply love J@y Edw@rds, but I fear I missed the last 2 parts of JEV-063: by the time I reached those, the files were gone. Too bad... Is it possible to upload those again? Thanks in advance...

Site online again


   (30.5.2007 12:03)
Hi, my website is online again. Now you can download my videos and photos from this site. Nice to see you under:
Site Admin: David Forester

Thanks to Erik


   (30.5.2007 6:30)
Many many thanks Erik
for jev063 !!

I'll post here soon some videos too, some long Weatherman DVD quality...

If you have bondage compilation video (like helpless heroines, which are already posted in this site), that would be great. I love bondage video with many many scenes, not only 2 or 3 in 1h30 where you see always the same girl...

Thans also to Maya & Rosalynn, for their reply and availability (sorry for my poor english !)



   (30.5.2007 5:40)
I am new to forums, but would like to add my gratitude to everybody involved in keeping this one running, I am retired (injury) Now My day's are full. I will eventually learn to upload and contribute,,,Once again, thanks to everyone,,Regards lexxee

mistaken name


   (30.5.2007 4:07)
Sorry, Erik, for getting your name wrong. But the gratitude remains.

much gratitude


   (30.5.2007 4:02)
Thanks to our newest friend Eric for his recent posts, and to all the other friends on this forum who take trouble to let us see their wonderful movies and clips. And, of course, special thanks to the two stars, Maya and Rosalynn. Know that even if people remain silent, your efforts are appreciated and enjoyed very much.
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